Journal of Applied Measurement

A publication of the Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
National Taiwan Normal University

JAM Volume 23(1/2) Special Issue Published!

We are happy to announce that the Journal of Applied Measurement V23(1/2) Special Issue on Unfolding Models is now published. Articles’ abstracts can be found at Issues and Abstracts page.

Contents include:
  1. Introduction to Special Issue on Unfolding Models
  2. By George Engelhard, Jr., Ye Yuan, and Allan S. Cohen
  3. A Historical Perspective on Unfolding Models
  4. By George Engelhard, Jr., and Ye Yuan
  5. Accuracy and Precision of Bayesian Multigroup Estimation for the Generalized Hyperbolic Cosine Ideal Point Item Response Theory Model
  6. By Sean Joo, Philseok Lee, and Stephen Stark
  7. Fitting Hyperbolic Cosine Unfolding Models Using the Stan Language
  8. By Jue Wang, Trenton Combs, and Cengiz Zopluoglu
  9. A Preference Model Based on an Unfolding Response Process: A law of Comparative Preference
  10. By David Andrich
  11. Commentary on the Special Issue on Unfolding Models
  12. By Wendy J. Post

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