Journal of Applied Measurement
A publication of the Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
National Taiwan Normal University
Call for Contributions of a Special issue in honor of the late
Wang Wen-Chung
The Journal of Applied Measurement (JAM), Guest Editors Prof. Mark Wilson, Dr. Karen Draney, and Dr. Xuelan Qiu invite contributions to a Special Issue in honor of the late Professor Wang Wen-Chung, an eminent psychometrician recognized internationally for his pioneering contributions to theorizing, research, and teaching of measurement. Prof. Wang has inspired scholars, researchers, and students across multiple disciplines. He left us unexpectedly in 2018, but the legacy he left behind is profound.
This Special Issue celebrates Prof. Wang’s stellar achievement in measurement research and scholarship. While the subject focus is broad, the Special Issue aims to: promote the relevance of measurement across the sciences, highlight key ways in which measurement can be an important component of rigorous methodology, foster identification of innovative areas of common interest to interdisciplinary scholars and students, and make visible contributions to measurement by researchers from locations where research outputs are less accessible to the Western world due to language and culture differences.
We invite manuscript submissions that honor the spirit of discovery that persistently permeated Prof. Wang’s work. That spirit reflected a deep appreciation for inquiry into new knowledge that informed high quality measurement. We therefore welcome contributions that engage substantively and/or methodologically with the legacy of Prof. Wang’s scholarly, advocacy or pedagogic work, and provide insights into challenges, opportunities, technologies, and methods in both theory and practice of measurement. Following Prof. Wang’s example of immense generosity, we are keen to involve a broad range of participation from seasoned to emergent researchers from different fields.
We encourage a wide range of possible topics for this special issue. We hope to see that each paper has connections to Prof. Wang, be it through his work, his findings, his interests, his discoveries, his generous mentorship, and/or through the inspiration he has provided to many. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following.
- Conceptual and theoretical issues in measurement and their implications for the measurement community.
- Accounts of empirical studies implementing measurement methods across populations, settings, and contexts.
- Measurement models, software programs, interpretation of software outputs, and operational frameworks.
- Systematic reviews of the landscape and dynamics around measurement issues, together with their implications for researchers.
- Thoughtful essays, histories, and even personal accounts from former co-authors, colleagues, and students.
- Summaries of your research work in more practical terms for applied researchers, together with the provision of software and succinct guidelines towards their proper implementation as well as the interpretation of output.
Submission Timeline
Submission Instructions
- Submission Instructions for the Proposal:
- Submit to: Guest Editors Prof. Dr. Mark Wilson, Dr. Karen Draney, and Dr. Xuelan Qiu at
- Put “Proposal for Special Issue in honor of Prof. Wang W.-C.” as the Subject of your email.
- The proposal must be in English and no more than 1000 words, exclusive of its title.
- The proposal should include:
- Title of the proposed manuscript;
- Author name(s), affiliation(s), corresponding author and contact information;
- A summary of the manuscript, highlighting your theme or content or its relationship to Prof. Wang.
- Submission Instructions for the full manuscript: The submission guidelines can be found at: . In brief,
- Submit to: Guest Editors Prof. Dr. Mark Wilson, Dr. Karen Draney, and Dr. Xuelan Qiu at
- Put “Manuscript for Special Issue in honor of Prof. Wang W.-C.” as the Subject of your email.
- All submissions must be in English and no more than 30 pages of text, exclusive of tables and figures.
- Manuscripts must follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Style Format, 7th edition).
- Manuscripts must be double spaced in 12 pt. New Times Roman, including the title page, abstract, text, quotes, acknowledgments, references, and appendices. All pages should be numbered consecutively.
- Tables and figures should be included on separate pages.
- Manuscripts must be sent as two email attachment files in PDF format:
- One file with the cover page containing all authors’ information, including their affiliation, mailing addresses, and email addresses, followed by the full manuscript;
- A second file for blind peer-review process and has only the title and abstract on the cover page, followed by the full manuscript. No identifying information of the author(s) and institution(s) should be included in this file.
- Submission should include a cover letter in PDF format with
- the title of the manuscript, and
- a statement that the manuscript includes only original material that has not been previously published and is not under review elsewhere.
- When a manuscript has been accepted, the corresponding author will be required to submit original graphic files, camera-ready figures, a copy of the final manuscript in both Word and PDF formats, and the signed copyright-transfer agreement. Authors are asked to review proofs before publication. Reprints of articles are available for purchase at the time the manuscript is published.