Journal of Applied Measurement

A publication of the Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
National Taiwan Normal University

JAM Volume 22(3/4) Published!

We are happy to announce that the Journal of Applied Measurement V22(3/4) is now published! Articles’ abstracts can be found on the Issues and Abstracts page.

Contents include:
  1. The Effects of Textual Borrowing Training on Rater Accuracy When Scoring Students’ Responses to an Integrated Writing Task
  2. By Kevin R. Raczynski, Jue Wang, George Engelhard, Jr., and Allan S. Cohen
  3. The Development and Validation of a Thinking Skills Assessment for Students With Disability Using Rasch Measurement Approaches
  4. By Toshiko Kamei and Masa Pavlovic
  5. Exploring the Impact of Open-Book Assessment on the Precision of Test-Taker and Item Estimates Using an Online Medical Knowledge Assessment
  6. By Stefanie A. Wind, Cheng Hua, and Stefanie S. Sebok-Syer
  7. Seeing Skill: Heuristic Reasoning When Forecasting Outcomes in Sports
  8. By Veronica U. Weser, Karen M. Schmidt, Gerald L. Clore, and Dennis R. Proffitt
  9. Psychometric Assessment of an Adapted Social Provisions Survey in a Sample of Adults With Prediabetes
  10. By Kathryn E. Wilson, Tzeyu L. Michaud, Cynthia Castro Sweet, Jeffrey A. Katula, Fabio A. Almeida, Fabiana A. Brito, Robert Schwab, and Paul A. Estabrooks
  11. A Rasch Analysis of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale—Children
  12. By Daniel Strissel and Julia A. Ogg

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