Journal of Applied Measurement

A publication of the Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
National Taiwan Normal University

JAM Volume 22(1/2) Published!

We are happy to announce that the Journal of Applied Measurement V22(1/2) is now published! Individual article abstracts can be found on the Issues and Abstracts page.

Contents include:
  1. Effects of Item Misfit on Proficiency Estimates Under the Rasch Model
  2. By Chunyan Liu, Peter Baldwin, and Raja Subhiyah
  3. Examining Rating Designs with Cross-Classification Multilevel Rasch Models
  4. By Jue Wang, Zhenqui Lu, George Engelhard Jr., and Allan S. Cohen
  5. Measuring the Complexity of Equity-Centered Teaching Practice: Development and Validation of a Rasch/Guttman Scenario Scale
  6. By Wen-Chia C. Chang
  7. Tracing Morals: Reconstructing the Moral Foundations Questionnaire in New Zealand and Sweden Using Mokken Scale Analysis and Optimal Scaling Procedure
  8. By Erik Forsberg and Anders Sjöberg
  9. Career Advancement Inventory: Assessing Decent Work Among Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities
  10. By Uma Chandrika Millner, Sarah A. Satgunam, James B. Green, Tracy Woods, Richard Love, Amanda Nutton, and Larry Ludlow
  11. Using an Exploratory Quantitative Text Analysis (EQTA) to Synthesize Research Articles
  12. By Cheng Hua, Catanya Stager, and Stefanie A. Wind
  13. Extended Rater Representations in the Many-Facet Rasch Model
  14. By Mark Elliott and Paula Buttery

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